The Author has published 24 books, without counting different editions and translations (or adaptations) in other languages. The books are presented here in descending chronological order.
24. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church: Important Documents (1925-2019), OIRSI Publications No. 475, Kottayam 2022, pp. 362.
In this book, co-authored by Sandra Kannankara, after three introductory articles, this
book presents 86 original and authentic documents which provide clear, true and
accurate information concerning the origin, growth and current canonical status
of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church.
23. Code of Eastern Canon Law: English Translation of the Four Apostolic Letters Issued Motu Proprio by Pope Pius XII, OIRSI Publications No. 469, Qanona No. 6, Kottayam 2021, pp. 652, ISBN - 978-93-82762-94-2.
The Code of
Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO), promulgated by Pope John Paul II
on 18 October 1990, entered into force on 1 October 1991. Until then, the Code
of Eastern Canon Law, (CICO)
consisting of the four apostolic letters issued motu proprio by Pope
Pius XII: Crebrae allatae (1949), Sollicitudinem nostram (1950), Postquam
apostolicis litteris (1952) and Cleri sanctitati (1957) constituted
the law common to all the Eastern Catholic Churches. This book
consists of an introductory article and the English version of the
aforementioned four apostolic letters issued motu proprio by Pope Pius
XII. The introductory article encapsulates the evolution of Eastern canon law
from the very first centuries until the promulgation of the last motu proprio
Cleri Sanctitati in 1957. Then the English
translation of the four apostolic letters is presented in chronological order.
I hope that this work will be helpful to students, teachers and scholars of
Eastern canon law.
*The Eucharistic Liturgy of the St Thomas Christians and the Synod of Diamper (second edition), HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2020, pp. 272, ISBN - 978-81-87576-95-2.
For a description and opinion of some reviewers concerning this book, see number 10 below.
*The Catholic Church in India (fourth edition), HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2019, pp. 384, ISBN - 978-81-87576-94-5.
22. The Liturgical Heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church: Shadows and Realities, HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2019, pp. 251, ISBN - 978-81-87576-93-8.
book pivots on three main themes: inculturation, liturgical reform and the
direction of the celebrant during the Holy Mass, although it touches also some
other aspects of the liturgical heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church. Really these
two questions have been the root causes of disputes, indiscipline and anarchy among
some sections of the clergy and the Christian faithful, which have tormented this
Church for more than five decades. The present work not only traces the origin
and historical evolution of the said problems, but also highlights the
advancement of the restoration and reform of liturgy, distinguishing shadows
from realities and striving to enucleate some guidelines and orientational
paradigms for future action.
21. Vicariate Apostolic of Verapoly and the St Thomas Christians in 1867: Kuriakose Elias Chavara Unworthy of Episcopate?, Dharmaram Publications, Bengaluru 2018, pp. 199, ISBN - 978-93-84964-12-2.
this book the author presents 13 documents, which highlight the situation of
the Catholic St Thomas Christians in the vicariate of Verapoly in 1867, the
historical context of the appointment of Kuriakose Elias Chavara as vicar
general, the reasons why he was not consecrated bishop and why the office of Suriani vicar general became extinct
with his death. The book sheds light also on the liturgical, spiritual and
devotional life of the Eastern Catholics in the vicariate at that epoch.
20. Restoration and Reform of Syro-Malabar Missal: Important Documents from 1954 to 1969, HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2018, pp. 404, ISBN - 978-81-87576-92-1.
How did the restoration and reform of the Eucharistic
liturgy (Qurbana) start in the
Syro-Malabar Church? Was the restored Missal of 1960-1962 imposed upon this
Church by a few Chaldean advocates and anti-Latin liturgical experts? Were the
Syro-Malabar bishops consulted? What were the reasons for the substitution of the
restored Missal with the 1968 experimental text? What were the consequences of
such counter-reform? How did indiscipline and anarchy originate in some regions? To the consideration of all those who seek the truth, the
author presents 58 original and authentic documents, which unravel the real
history, providing accurate and objective information.
19. Rome and Chaldean Patriarchate in Conflict: Schism of Bishop Rokos in India, HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2017, pp. 713, ISBN - 978-81-87576-90-7.
In this book the author
presents 86 selected documents, which provide us with accurate and objective information
concerning the schism of Chaldean Bishop Rokos in India, which was only a side
effect of the conflicts between the Congregation of Propaganda Fide in Rome and
the Chaldean Patriarchate. The book also highlights the origin and development
of Chaldean jurisdiction in India, invalid and unlawful suppression of Chaldean
authority in the Synod of Diamper in 1599, subsequent Western governance of the
Catholic St Thomas Christians who in the course of time were divided under two
contrasting and conflicting jurisdictions of Portuguese Padroado and
Propaganda Fide, the tragic ecclesial situation of the said Christians and
their strenuous efforts to obtain a bishop of their own rite.
18. Unity of Christian Initiation with Special Reference to the Syro-Malabar Church, Dharmaram Publications, Bangalore 2006, pp. XVI + 303, ISBN - 978-93-84964-51-1.
*A Katolikus Egyhàz Indiàban (Hungarian) Budapest 2015, pp. 232, ISBN 978-963-9662-89-6.

(Cf Book 12) This work is the Hungarian translation of the book: The Catholic Church in India, which is now available also in (five languages): English, Italian, German and Malayalam.
* Indian Catholic Church Yesterday and Today (Malayalam), HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2015, pp. XVIII + 446, ISBN 13 978-81-87576-85-3.
(Cf Book 12) Already three edtions.
17. Constitution of Syro-Malabar Hierarchy: A Documental Study, HIRS Publications, Changanacherry 2014, pp. 199, ISBN 13 978-81-87576-82-2.
In this book the author presents the documentation concerning the
historical background and other relevant
facts related to the epoch-making event of the erection of Syro-Malabar
hierarchy, which revolutionized the fate of the Catholic Church in India.
The work provides precise, objective and authentic information concerning the causes
of delay in the constitution of Syro-Malabar hierarchy, the choice of the
metropolitan see and the rejection of the special status requested for the
vicariate apostolic of Kottayam.
16. Roman Pontifical into Syriac and the Beginning of Liturgical Reform in the Syro-Malabar Church: History of the Revision and publication of the Chaldean and Syro-Malabar Pontifical, OIRSI, Kottayam 2012, pp. 367, ISBN 978-81-548-88456-86-4.
In this book, co-authored by Dr. Joseph Kollara, the authors present 44 important documents, which provide us with precise information concerning the start of liturgical restoration and reform in the Syro-Malabar Church, efforts of the bishops of this Church to have a translation of the Roman Pontifical into Syriac and to obtain the approval of the Holy See, studies and votes of the experts and consultants of the Oriental Congregation, reports, discussions and resolutions of the plenary meetings of the Cardinals as well as important decisions and directives of the Roman Pontiffs. This book is useful not only for the Syro-Malabar Church, but also for the other Churches of East Syrian or Chaldean tradition.
15. Venerable Mar Thomas Kurialacherry: The Man and His Vision, Cenacle Publications, Aluva 2012.
In this book, after presenting the saintly personality
of Venerable Mar Thomas Kurialacherry as a model of authentic Christian life
for the emulation of all sections of the people of God, the author highlights
some relevant and recurrent themes, underpinning the vision and mission of
Kurialacherry, such as the centrality of the Eucharist in Christian life and
the necessity of the constant renewal of everything in Christ. Based mainly on
original sources, as far as possible Kurialacherry himself is permitted to
articulate his ideas through the copious citation of his writings.
"Rt. Rev. Msgr. Paul Pallath, the Postulator of the cause of the Venerable Mar Kurialacherry is very thorough with the life and ministry of Mar Kurialacherry. It is fortunate that he has found time to publish in English this short biography of the Venerable. He can speak authentically because he has gone through all the available records connected with the life and work of Mar Kurialacherry. We should be grateful to Msgr. Pallath for this great favour". Message, Archbishop Joseph Powathil.
14. Origin of the Southist Vicariate of Kottayam: Acts and Facts, OIRSI, Kottayam 2011, pp. 312, ISBN 978-81-548-88456-71-0.
In this book, co-authored by Dr. George Kanjirakkatt, the authors unravel the real history of the Southist (Knanaya) Vicariate of Kottayam through 43 authentic documents uncovered from the Roman archives. In fact this work, which elucidates a shrouded period of the history of the Syro-Malabar Church (1886-1911), constitutes a useful tool for further study and research.
"After this general introduction and the list of documents with indication of sources, the book is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to the documents concerning the Southist efforts to create a separate vicariate after the erection of the two vicariates of Kottayam and Trichur on 20 May 1887 and the resulting establishment of a special administration for the Southist community, consisting of a vicar general and two councillors. In the second part we present the documents on the endeavours of the St Thomas Christians of the vicariate of Changanacherry to have a Northist bishop following the appointment of the Southist priest Mathew Makil as its vicar apostolic in 1896 and the consequent erection of the separate Southist vicariate of Kottayam. In the third part the documents are reproduced in the original language". General Introduction, p. 12.
"The authors have done both the Church and civil society a considerable service in making these documents available to the public. The book is all the more useful for containing the documents in their original language with their English translation. Readers and scholars now have in a single book almost all the necessary documents directly related to the creation of the Southist Vicariate. This makes it an invaluable reference tool for research into the history of the Indian Church in general and of the Southist Catholic Archdiocese in particular". Sunny Kokkaravalayil SJ, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, no. 78 (2012) 244.
* La Chiesa cattolica in India, Aracne Editrice, Roma 2011, pp. 296, ISBN 978-88-548-3951-9, € 17, 00.
(Cf Book 12) Prima edizione, Mar Thoma Yogam, Roma 2003, pp. 192. Questo libro è un’esposizione chiara e comprensibile della travagliata storia bimillenaria della Chiesa cattolica in India, che attualmente si configura come una comunione di tre
Chiese: latina, siro-malabarese e siro-malankarese. Basandosi principalmente su documenti romani e su altre fonti disponibili, l’autore scopre gradualmente l’origine, la crescita e le vicissitudini di queste tre Chiese, raccogliendo così informazioni essenziali su di esse in un volume facilmente accessibile, che tornerà utile agli studenti, ai ricercatori e alla gente comune.
"Quando ho pubblicato la prima edizione di questo libro nel 2003 su istanza dell’Associazione dei Cristiani di San Tommaso a Roma, nota come Mar Thoma Yogam, mia intenzione era di preparare un modesto trattato per fornire informazioni essenziali concernenti la Chiesa cattolica in India ai “lettori stranieri”, come indicai allora nell’Introduzione Generale: “il nostro scopo non è quello di produrre un lavoro rigorosamente scientifico, ma quello di raccogliere informazioni sulla Chiesa cattolica in India in un volume utile e facilmente accessibile”. Questa edizione, pertanto, frutto di più di dieci anni di studio, ricerca e insegnamento presso il Pontificio Istituto Orientale, presenta una continua, precisa e coerente storia della Chiesa cattolica in India, sia pure in maniera succinta e sinottica”. Dalla prefazione.
13. Iniziazione cristiana nella Chiesa siro-malabarese: liturgia, teologia, storia e riforma, Urbaniana University Press, Città del Vaticano 2011, pp. 240, ISBN 978-88-401-4036-0, € 23,00.
In questo volume l’autore presenta la liturgia, la teologia e l’evoluzione bimillenaria dell’iniziazione cristiana tra i Cristiani di San Tommaso della Chiesa siro-malabarese,
delucidando le vicissitudini principali dal periodo apostolico fino ai nostri tempi, e fornendo un approfondito commento liturgico-teologico sulla celebrazione, soprattutto alla luce dei libri liturgici e testi patristici. Il libro contiene anche la legislazione del Sinodo di Diamper sui sacramenti del Battesimo e della Confermazione (1599) e i riti del Battesimo e della Confermazione secondo il Rituale del 1968-69. Quest’opera costituisce un valido strumento per lo studio comparativo e darà nuovo impulso
a intraprendere una vera riforma liturgica in altre Chiese, volta a ristabilire l’originale e autentica liturgia e la disciplina dei sacramenti dell’iniziazione cristiana.
12. The Catholic Church in India, OIRSI, Kottayam 2010, pp. XIV + 284, ISBN 978-8188456-56-7
First edition, Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome 2003, pp. 168; second revised edition, Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome 2005, pp. 198. This is a completely revised, elaborated and updated Indian edition of the book. The present volume, the crowning of all the previous versions is the fruit of more than ten years of study, research and teaching at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. This work provides a continuous, precise and coherent history of the Catholic Church in India until the present day in a succint and synoptic manner.
“When I published the first edition of this work in 2003 at the invitation of Mar Thoma Yogam, the St Thomas Christian Fellowship in Rome, my intention was simply to prepare a small book for providing essential information concerning the Catholic Church in India for “foreign readers”…. I am pleased to state that the present Indian edition, the crowning of all the aforementioned versions, is the fruit of more than ten years of study, research and teaching at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. I am confident that this work provides a continuous, precise and coherent history of the Catholic Church in India until the present day in a succinct and synoptic manner. In fact, this book also integrates the findings and conclusions of my own other source studies published during the course of these years”. From the Foreword.
“The book will definitely serve as a guide for understanding the complex reality of the Catholic Church in India; it proves a valuable source of information on this complex subject and an asset to any library”. From a review of the first edition in
The Jurist 64. (2004) 403-404.
11. Matrimonio tra cristiani indiani: il rito nella Chiesa siro-malabarese, Urbaniana University Press, Città del Vaticano 2009, pp. 168, ISBN 978-88-401-4026-1, € 18,00.
I Cristiani di San Tommaso, le cui origini risalgono alla predicazione in India di questo Apostolo, insieme con le Chiese sorelle dell’impero persiano. hanno dato vita alla ricca tradizione siro-orientale, considerata espressione di una vera e propria ‘cristianità asiatica’. Nel corso del XX secolo grazie anche alla nomina di vescovi nativi, una controversa riforma liturgica ha consentito un parziale recupero dei riti tradizionali, che erano stati sostituiti con quelli della Chiesa latina dopo l’arrivo dei missionari occidentali all’alba del XVI secolo.
La liturgia, la teologia e il diritto del matrimonio nel particolare contesto della Chiesa siro-malabarese vengono qui presentati ripercorrendo l’evoluzione storica del rito e della liturgia nuziale. Un’approfondita analisi degli aspetti dottrinali e socio-culturali attinenti alla ritualità matrimoniale indiana fornisce inoltre validi strumenti per lo studio comparativo.
Il volumecontiene la traduzione in italiano di alcuni fondamentali documenti: la legislazione del sinodo di Diamper sul matrimonio (1599), il rito del matrimonio sancito dal suddetto sinodo e utilizzato dalla Chiesa fino al 1969, il rito religioso del fidanzamento e il diritto particolare in vigore.
« Ce livre, qui fait connaître aux lecteurs italiens les divers aspects de la pratique nuptiale de Église syro-malabare, n’est pas seulement intéressant: il permet à tout occidental de découvrir quelques-unes des richesses du dialogue des cultures et des religions, mais aussi de repenser sa conception du mariage et sa propre pratique en la matière ». Proche-Orient Chrétien 60 (2010) 1-2, P. 233.
10. The Eucharistic Liturgy of the St Thomas Christians and the Synod of Diamper, OIRSI, Kottayam 2008, pp. 231, ISBN 81-88456-35-7.
Since the sixteenth century it was propagated in the West that
before the Synod of Diamper in 1599 the Liturgy of the St Thomas Christians was full of errors, heresies and blasphemies. How did these Christians celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy before the arrival of the Western missionaries in the sixteenth century? What was the shape of the Qurbana at the epoch of the Synod of Diamper? Which were the heretical doctrines and expressions of schism found in the pre-Diamper Eucharistic liturgy? What were the interpolations, modifications and corrections made by the Western missionaries, especially by Archbishop Menezes? What was the structure of the Qurbana after the Synod? This book is an attempt to answer such important questions, from historical, liturgical and theological perspectives, based on original sources and pertinent documents.
“It is well-known that the Synod of Diamper (1599) brought about several radical changes in the life and mores of the Christians of the Serra or Malabar. It also introduced several changes in their liturgy. Here is a book that studies them methodically and in detail in the light of documents. The author Paul Pallath is no newcomer to the field. He is one of the few who are not satisfied with vague generalizations but belives in documentary evidence. Like a good son of St. Thomas he insists on seeing before believing... In the present work he supplies documentary evidence regarding the latinization of their liturgy effected by Alexis Menezes, Archbishop of Goa, at the Synod of Diamper...The present work is a rich storehouse of information for the student and a ready handbbok for the scholar...With the present work Msgr. Paul Pallath has supplied a very useful tool for the study of the Synod of Diamper in ints enactments regarding the Syro-Malabar liturgy”. Prof. George Nedungatt SJ, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, no. 1 (2009) 235-236.
"The profound study by Pallath on the basis of Western and Eastern ecclesiastical traditions urges us to riconsider the use of such elements which are foreign to the liturgical spirit of the St. Thomas Christians. The careful observations made by the author are indeed of immense help to the students of liturgy, history and theology of the Church of St. Thomas Christians". Prof. Pauly Maniyattu, Christian Orient, vol. 29, no. 4 (2008) 184.
"Pallath's work is useful not only as a study of the Syro-Malabar liturgy, as the title would suggest, but also as a review of the whole theology of the Syro-Malabar Church, which finds its best expression in the liturgy...Given our dearth of information on the pre-Diamper period, any significant facts that shed light on the period are welcome. As it stands, Pallath's study affords an unusual glimpse into the Syro-Malabar Church from one of the best angles from which to study an Eastern Church, its liturgy". Prof. Edward G. Farrugia SJ, Gregorianum, vol. 92/3 (2011) 621.
* Die katholische Kirche in Indien gestern und heute, Eos Verlag, St. Ottilien 2008, pp. 294, ISBN 978-3-8306-7317-0.
(Cf Book 12) Die indische Kirche führt ihren Ursprung in die früheste Zeit des Christentu
ms, auf den Apostel Thomas zurück. Dieses Buch ist eine klare, lebhafte und bündige Darlegung der zweitausendjährigen Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Indien, die sich im Augenblick als eine Gemeinschaft dreier Kirchen gestaltet: die lateinische Kirche, die syro-malabarische Kirche und die syro-malankarische Kirche. Basierend hauptsächlich auf den römischen Dokumenten und anderen Quellen, entwirrt der Autor allmählich die Entstehung, die Wechselfälle und die Entwicklung dieser drei Kirchen und bewahrt somit wesentliche Informationen über sie in einem leicht zugänglichen Volumen.
9. The Grave Tragedy of the Church of St Thomas Christians in India and the Apostolic Mission of Sebastiani, HIRS Publications, Changanassery 2006, pp. 277, ISBN 81-87576-52-9.
The Church of St Thomas Christians, which remained one and united for more than fifteen centuries, was split into divergent and conflicting groups after the Coonan Cross Oath in 1653. Who was responsible for the Coonan Cross Oath and the schism? What was the content of the Oath? Against whom was the Oath made? How did the Oath turn into a schism? What did the Roman Pontiff and the Holy See do to resolve the crisis? In this book the author unfolds that heartbreaking, cruel and tragic story through the writings of the Apostolic Commissary Joseph of St Mary Sebastiani OCD and the pertinent official Roman doc
“The worth of this work is mainly that the author has brought to light a very important source of history of the Church of St Thomas Christians, which remained hidden for centuries...this work clarifies various nuances of several events of those days including the Coonan Cross Oath and the activities that followed. The Author deserves congratulations for his remarkable contribution”. Ephrem’s Theological Journal, vol. 10, no. 2 (2006) 205-206.
8. The Provincial Councils of Goa and the Church of St Thomas Christians, OIRSI, Kottayam 2005, pp.204, ISBN 81-88456-22-5.
This book provides a general overview of the six provincial councils of Goa, conducted after the constitution of the ecclesiastical province in 1558 and explores the circumstances which forced the Metropolitan of the Church of St Thomas Christians to participate in the councils of the aforementioned province of the Latin Church. Then the decrees concerning the Indian Eastern Church are presented, together
with a historical, canonical and ecclesiological commentary, highlighting the process of Latinization unleashed by the legislation of the said councils and underlining its impact on the Church until the present day.
“The Synod of Diamper (1599) is often labelled as a latinizing council. The label sticks. But the process of latinization had begun much earlier, already with the arrival of the Portuguese missionaries under Mar Jacob and it was pursued systematically under Mar Abraham (1557-1597), especially in the third provincial Council of Goa (1585). This council had in fact anticipated much of the work of the Synod of Diamper, after which two other Goan councils confirmed the process. That story is told very clearly, convincingly and systematically in the present book under review...Not all historical details and canonical prescriptions may interest all readers. But after reading the present book no honest enquirer will be able to hold any longer the rather widespread opinion that before the Synod of Diamper the Thomaschristians were not Catholics...”. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, no. 1 (2006) 286-287.
7. Important Roman Documents concerning the Catholic Church in India, OIRSI, Kottayam 2004, pp. 279, ISBN 81-88456-10-1.
This book enshrines the original text and the English translation of 35 important Roman doc
uments, covering up a period of about five hundred years (1500 to 2001), concerning the origin, growth, hierarchical constitution and present status of the Syro-Malabar Church (the main heir of the ancient Church of St Thomas Christians), the Latin Church and the Syro-Malankara Church, which together form the Catholic communion of Churches in India. The documents presented in this book are essential for the study of the historical, ecclesiological and canonical aspects of the Churches in India.
“The present volume is a very useful source book. It contains thirty-seven documents issued by the Roman Apostolic See during the last five centuries. Most of the texts are in Latin, which are printed on the left hand page, accompanied by an English translation on the right hand page. These documents concern all the three Churches that make up the Catholic Church in India...Msgr. Pallath has done a very valuable service by making accessible a selection of important documents, which if consulted and studied, can impart historical solidity to much Christian writing in India, which is often uninformed by historyand is woven out of fancy or wishful thinking”. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, no. 1 (2005) 229-232.
«Tel qu’il est, ce livre sera sans aucun doute fort utile en Inde, pays auquel il est destine avant tout, tant aux catholiques indiens de rite latin qu’aux Syro-Malabars et Syro-Malankars, ainsi qu’à tous qui s’intéressant à question du ‘droit de patronage’ que les Portugais ont longtemps exercé dans cette région». Irénikon 4 (2006) 660.
6. La Liturgia eucaristica della Chiesa siro-malabarese, Edizioni Messaggero Padova, Padova 2000, pp. 258, ISBN 88-250-0842-2.1.
Viene pubblicato per la prima volta in lingua italiana la traduzione fedele dell'edizione tipica del Messale della Chiesa siro-malabarese. Segue un profilo storico, teologico e spirituale della liturgia eucaristica; un'introduzione all'anno liturgico e al calendario e, infine, la traduzione italiana dei principali documenti della S
anta Sede relativi alla riforma liturgica della comunità cristiana siro-malabarese.
“In un unico volume…, diviso in tre parti, vi si trovano esposte: - la versione italiana dell’edizione tipica della Divina Liturgia; - un profilo storico, teologico e spirituale del Qurbana, seguito da un’essenziale introduzione all’anno liturgico e al calendario, con tutti i riferimenti biblici delle letture delle domeniche e dei giorni festivi, commentati dai titoli tematici; - quattro distinti capitoli che riportano, in traduzione italiana, quattro storici documenti, che segnano l’energico intervento della Santa Sede per il riprestino, la salvaguardia e la riforma della Liturgia siro-malabarese. Da questi documenti traspare evidente la preoccupazione pastorale di Roma, che ha preparato dopo lungo e approfondito studio da parte della Commissione liturgica della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali. Essi trattano aspetti salienti della Liturgia siro-malabarese, forniscono principi e orientamenti fondamentali per la riforma e per il rinnovamento liturgico, e offrono per così dire il miglior commento possibile alla Liturgia siro-malabarese, costituendo quasi il la fonte migiore per comprendere il grande rinnovamento in atto nella comunità dei ‘Cristiani di san Tommaso’”. L’Osservatore Romano, Venerdì 18 febbraio 2000, 4.
«C’est un beau service que le père Palalth rend u lecteur d’italien en lui mettant entre les mains un ensemble de textes liturgiques, juridiques et historiques accompagnés d’un étude concernant la liturgie de l’Église des Malabares de Saint-Thomas, héritage commun aux deux autres Églises orientales, l’Église assyrienne et l’Église chaldéenne, les trois partageant la même tradition de l’Église d’Orient. Le livre arrive à un moment où la réforme liturgique bat son plein pour retrouver l’authentique tradition et la confronter avec le temps nouveaux». La Maison-Dieu,231/3 (2002) 127.
5. Local Episcopal Bodies in East and West,OIRSI, Kottayam 1997, pp. 573, ISBN 81-86063-33-1.
This book is a systematic, well-documented and comprehensive study of the historical roots as well as the structure and functioning of the local episcopal organs of collegial governance both in the East and in the West. After elucidating the origin and evolution of collegial episcopal governance according to the common tradition of the Church in the first millennium, in the first part of the book the author studies the collegial episcopal bodies of the Catholic Eastern Churches: the
synod of bishops of patriarchal and major archiepiscopal Churches, the council of hierarchs of metropolitan Churches sui iuris, as well as the patriarchal, major archiepiscopal and metropolitan assembles. In the second part the particular councils and the bishops’ conference of the Latin Church are considered. Then the author analyses the assembly of hierarchs of several Churches sui iuris, which is a common institution of the East and the West for fostering inter-Church communion and collaboration. At the end a proper comparison of the collegial episcopal bodies of the East and the West is made, demonstrating their points of convergence and divergence.
“It is a clear well-documented account of the historical roots as well as the structure and function of local episcopal bodies in East and West that provides much useful historical and canonical information concerning all the episcopal bodies that are enumerated in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium and in the Codex Iuris Canonici. The decision to discuss both codes is a wise one and one that will encourage mutual recognition and cooperation between all the Catholic Churches. His detailed and comparative commentary on this recent legislation will, I am sure, be very useful for many bishops and other administrators. This book is also ecumenically opportune because it begins with a clear account of how the Church was administered throughout the first millennium of its history, when East and West formed a united Church…”. Prof. Clarence Gallagher SJ, Former Rector of Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome and former Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Canon Law, in the Preface of the book, p. 13.
“Tale volume, che si colloca tra lo studio ed il manuale, proprio per la sua completezza e logica divisione, compresa la documentazione, si inserisce nella discussione e riscoperta, nonché nella valutazionedegli organi collegiali. Attraverso lo studio di tali istituti o corpi intermedi differenti per origine e struttura, si ricostituisce il punto relativo alle enormi possibilità in fieri e la susseguente realizzazione giuridica sperimentata nella prassi con la ultronea possibilità di risultati determinanti sia circa gli istituti cha a beneficio delle Chiese sui iuris…”. Euntes Docete, LI, 2/3 (1998) 387.
“Il volume…certamente può aiutare a conoscere la forma di governo delle Chiese orientali, forse poco conosciuto in occidente, ma anche chiarificare molti punti della disciplina occidentale in ciò che di comune hanno con la disciplina orientale। In effetti, il volume è una presentazione di tutta la materia che riguarda quegli organismi episcopali che attuano il governo locale, nella Chiesa latina come nelle Chiese orientali, soprattutto per quanto attiene al loro potere legislativo: concili plenari e concili patriarcali e metropolitani, concili provinciali e conferenze dei vescovi”. Gregorianum, vol. 79/4 (1998) 782.
4. Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church in India (edited) Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome 1996, pp. 245. Indian edition, CICAR Changanacherry 1996, pp. (out of print).
“The purpose of this book is to make available to the Christian faithful in India the magisterium of Pope John Paul II, pronounced specifically for the Indian Catholics. The papal magisterium provides directive principles and guidelines for the liturgical restoration and renewal, inter-Church relationship, inculturation of the Christian faith, inter
religious dialogue, evangelization, priestly and religious formation etc., in the Indian context. All the Christian faithful – bishops, clergy, religious and lay people – are bound to take to heart the papal teaching and to act in harmony with it for the common good of the Catholic Church in India”. From the Preface of the book.
“Questo volume, seppure pensato specificamente per Cattolici dell’India, è utile anche al lettore occidentale attento alla realtà delle Chiese di Oriente. Queste ultime, attraverso la loro collaborazione cresceranno nel reciproco riconoscimento e rispetto non solo dell’identità ecclesiale ad intra, ma potranno essere tramite ad extra di partecipazione al patrimonio comune di tutti i Cristiani dell’India e del mondo”. Orinetalia Christiana Periodica 62 (1996) 468.
3. Church and Its Most Basic Element (edited), Herder Editrice e Libreria, Rome 1995, pp. 212, ISBN 88-85876-24-2.
What makes the Church? What is the most basic element of the Church? Is the Church a juridical institution or a mystery of communion? This book confronts such fundamental problems and tries to provide adequate responses. Seven articles prepared by renowned scholars approach the mystery of the Church from an entirely different perspective and spotlight the most basic element of the Church, namely the liturgy which makes and manifests the Church, constituting its internal essential divine nature.
“…the range this collection is directed at the professor and graduate student who is already versed in the general background of the Eastern Catholic Churches. For these parties there are many valuable insights and many more questions for further research”. The Jurist 56 (1996) 967.
“Questo volume raggiunge lo scopo prefissatosi del curatore e certamente potrà offrire quel contributo a fronte della interpretazione, commento e discussione…relativamente alla Chiesa sui iuris secondo la descrizione del c. 27 CCEO. In tal modo si può ritenere come siano stati portati quei necessari contributi, ricerche scientifiche, nonché apporti teologici e delle altre discipline, secondo un’utilità e profitto a vantaggio del Diritto Canonico, dalla Teologia precipuamente nell’alveo ecclesiologico”. Orinetalia Christiana Periodica 62 (1996) 267.
2. Catholic Eastern Churches: Heritage and Identity (edited), Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome 1994, pp. 307.
This book, a collection of 14 articles, provides a good introduction to the common liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary heritage of the Catholic Eastern Churches and emphasizes the grave obligation of all Christian faithful to preserve the authentic Oriental identity and the rich heritage oftheir Churches, admitting legitimate and organic growth.
“The first part of the book is dedicated to the presentation of the different common aspects of the Oriental Churches; it explains what makes all of them “Oriental” among the various Churches of the Catholic communion. The essays in this part thus elucidate the different aspects of Oriental identity...The second part deals especially with the second aim of the book as mentioned above and is in fact dedicated to The Preservation of Heritage and Organic Growth. Four articles are presented in this part. The first two, which are very coherent, prove the legitimacy and necessity of preserving the heritage of the Oriental Churches...The other two essays take up the problem of organic growth on two delicate points: liturgical continuity and its compatibility with external interventions; the relationship between the past and the future in Tradition. “The third part of the book descends from the general to the particular. After having spoken in general about heritage which makes “Oriental” some Churches of the Catholic communion, the last part proceeds to the analysis of the proper heritage of a particular Church, the Syro-Malabar Church. All the essays of this part are of great interest and a profound understanding of the identity of the Malabar Church…”.
Ephrem’s Theological Journal, vol. 2, no. 1 (1998) 88-91.
“L’opera, al di là di quanto si possa dire in una breve nota, è ricca di informazione, di passione, di sincerità. Merita di essere conosciuta e meditata seriamente”. Orinetalia Christiana Periodica 61 (1995) 628-630.
1. The Synod of Bishops of Catholic Oriental Churches, Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome 1994, pp. 234.
The synodal structure of Catholic Oriental Churches is of prime importance both for the Catholic and non-Catholic Churches. In fact, the future of ecumenism itself depends on the question whether authentic synodal governance is possible in those Oriental Churches that are in full communion with the Catholic Church. After establishing the theologico-canonical foundation of synodal structure on the basis of 'sacred canons' and Second Vatican Council, the author analyses in a comprehensive manner the Synod of Bishops of Catholic Oriental Churches according to Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium. The comparison of the Synod of Bishops with the Council of Hierarchs of the metropolitan Church sui iuris and the Conference of Bishops of the Latin Church is particularly interesting.
“The publication of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO) gave rise to many studies on the different aspects of Church legislation. This book, based on the author’s doctoral dissertation at the Pontifical Oriental Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome, contains the first comprehensive study on the synodal structure of the Churches of oriental tradition in communion with the Bishop of Rome, commonly called “Catholic Oriental Churches. With satisfaction we state that Pallath is not giving only a mere comment on the pertaining canons, but attempts, in the first part, to explain the theological foundation of synodal structure…”. The Harp, vol. 6, no. 3 (1993) 262.
“É il primo studio sistematico, dopo la promulgazione del CCEO, sulla struttura sinodale delle Chiese orientali nella sua forma fondamentale, che è il sinodo dei Vescovi delle Chiese orientali patriarcali e arcivescovili maggiori. Si tratta di uno studio ecclesiologico e canonico a partire dai primi dai primi secoli fino ad oggi, con ampio riferimento a valutazione critica delle problematiche affrontate durante l’iter delle recente codificazione circa la natura e il funzionamento della sinodalità, tradizionale forma di governo nelle Chiese orientali. Ampie le fonti e la bibliografia utilizzate, scelte con criteri rigorosamente scientifici…”. Orinetalia Christiana Periodica 61 (1995) 275-276.
„Im ganzen stellt Pallaths Studie zweifellos einen wichtigen und gründlich aufgearbeiteten Beitrag zum Verständnis von Entwicklung, Struktur und Bedeutung des höchsten Synodalorgans der orientalischen Patriarchalkirchen dar und inspiriert damit gleichzeitig zum Nachdenken über weitere Entwickelungsmöglichkeiten des synodalen Lebens der Communio Ecclesiarum, wovon auch in der lateinischen Kirche profitiert werden könnte“. Archive für katholisches Kirchenrecht 163 (1994) 655.